Experience in Music Bank 20160311 and #Fact
Annyeong! Siapa yang suka nonton Music Bank?? Biasa di singkat Mubank~
Pada 2016.03.11, aku bisa menonton acara mingguan KBS yaitu Mubank yang biasanya bisa dilihat di channel KBS tiap Jumat jam 5 sore waktu korea~
Annyeong! Who loves to watch Music Bank?? Usually it called Mubank~
On 2016.03.11, I have a chance to watch Music Bank that you can watch it in KBS Channel every Friday at 5pm Korea~
Annyeong! Who loves to watch Music Bank?? Usually it called Mubank~
On 2016.03.11, I have a chance to watch Music Bank that you can watch it in KBS Channel every Friday at 5pm Korea~
Mubank is FREE!!!!
Aku benar-benar exited banget maunya nonton Park Bo Gum :P *dibelain*
Ada yang tau PBG? Actor reply1988 dan MC Mubank satu ini lagi naik daun loh
I really exited because I want to watch Park Bo Gum :P
Anyone know PBG? The Actor of reply 1988 and Mubank MC is so popular now~
So~ Ini terjadi di hari Jumat,
banyak banget yg nonton dan antri. Tapi aku ngga perlu antri lho!
Kalian yang tinggal di Korea dan punya Alien Card bisa reservasi tempat duduk dengan lebih gampang dari pada antri nunggu di luar, dan kebetulan karnah masih musim semi jadi di luar masih bisa di bilang lumayan dingin~
So~ This's happened on Friday,
so many people that watch and take queuing. But I dont have to do it!
You that have Korean Alien Card can reserved from the Mubank website and this way is more easy than you should wait it outside to queuing to get the number.
Ini pintu masuk KBS Hall
I really exited because I want to watch Park Bo Gum :P
Anyone know PBG? The Actor of reply 1988 and Mubank MC is so popular now~
Siapa aja Yang manggung sih??
Bisa dilihat di webnya juga Today Music Bank Stage
Who was on the stage??
You can see from the Mubank web Today Music Bank Stage
Mamamoo, KNK, TaeMin, AOA Cream, B.A.P, Astro, JJCC, KIXS, 4Ten, Rainbow, Jung Joon Young, Ladis Code, Girlfriend, BigBrain, V.O.S, Jo JungMin, CLC
Comeback Stage: Snuper, Yuju & SeonYulm, Fiesta
banyak banget yg nonton dan antri. Tapi aku ngga perlu antri lho!
Kalian yang tinggal di Korea dan punya Alien Card bisa reservasi tempat duduk dengan lebih gampang dari pada antri nunggu di luar, dan kebetulan karnah masih musim semi jadi di luar masih bisa di bilang lumayan dingin~
So~ This's happened on Friday,
so many people that watch and take queuing. But I dont have to do it!
You that have Korean Alien Card can reserved from the Mubank website and this way is more easy than you should wait it outside to queuing to get the number.
Ini pintu masuk KBS Hall
Here is the entrance of KBS Hall
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
Setelah masuk kaliah aka melihat tangga dengan tulisan KBS Hall ke kanan
Atau naik tangga ini masuk ke Lobby
You can see the stairs like this, you can go to the right or
just go up to the stairs and you will see the Lobby
Setelah masuk kaliah aka melihat tangga dengan tulisan KBS Hall ke kanan
Atau naik tangga ini masuk ke Lobby
You can see the stairs like this, you can go to the right or
just go up to the stairs and you will see the Lobby
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
Di luar lobby KBS ini yang bikin wah adalah Poster besar drama yang sekarang lagi terkenal
yaitu Descendant of The Sun! Siapa yang suka Song Joong Ki??? *hands up*
Memang di awal tahun 2016 ini SJK bikin fever para pecinta drama korea ya~
Outside the lobby you can se a big Poster of the popular drama these day Descendant of The Sun!!
Who Love Song Joong Ki??? *hands up*
In the early 2016 SJK is making a fever for Kdrama lover right?~
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
Dan yang ini diluar KBS Hallnya~
Banyak sekali yang berbaris untuk masuk dengan cara antri tapi aku kurang tahu berapa lama mereka mengantri karena cara mengantrinya kemungkinan berbeda dengan mengantri di MCountdown
This is outside the KBS Hall~
Many people queuing, i don't know how they long queuing until they get the number. And maybe this way is same when you want to see MCountdown
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
KBS memiliki indoor tempat tunggu paling besar, tapi biasanya tempat ini untuk menunggunya berbarisnya para fanclub. Jadi untuk saat-saat musim semi ini disarankan memakai baju hangan karena bisa mengantri mulai 1 jam smpai maksimum 3 jam~
KBS has the biggest indoor waiting place, but usually this place just for fanclub to queuing. So when you come on this spring just wearing a warm clothes
You can entry from 4PM - jam 4.30PM
You can reserve the Ticket on the website MUSIC BANK
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
Setelah masuk kalian di larang untuk mengambil foto para Idol yang sedang manggung~
Pengalamanku ya para penjaganya itu Oke sih tapi galak semua >.<
After enter the place you cannot take a photo of the Idol,
Or you will get kick out >.<
Ini peta tempat duduk seperti menonton bioskop biasanya,
disini di bedakan dengan huruf korea 가,나,다,라,마
Saranku jangan cuma angkanya yang dilihat tapi huruf hangeulnya juga dilihat yah *pengalaman*
This is the seat map, There is 가,나,다,라,마
So you should see and make sure where your seat is~
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
Sebelum masuk aja sudah excited banget dengan keadaan lampu dan panggungnya~
Before I get in I just get more excited because of the Lamp stage~ ㅋㅋㅋ
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
Actually you shouldn't take a picture...
But~ as always secretly...
you can see this
This is me with my blogger Friend IMEY you can visit her blog too~
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
*I'm Blur*
Tidak berasa 1 setengah jam cepat berlalu~
Pemenang Mubank kali ini adalah Mamamoo yang Fansnya memang banyak dan mereka membawa lightstick. Yang serunya Mamamoo ini ikut turun ke tempat duduk para fans dan mengajak fans untuk bernyanyi bersama~
So 1half hour is so fast~
The winner is Mamamoo and so many fans that bring lightstick. The exciting part is Mamamoo go down frm the stage and go to their fans seat and sing a song with the fans~
Bisa dilihat ini adalah situasi setelah para fans keluar dari gedung KBS untuk menunggu para artisnya tapi #fact-nya yang menunggu diluar tidak bisa melihat artisnya sama sekali T_T
Parafans yang berada diluar hanya mengantarkan si arist dengan membawa sepanduk nama di artis saja~ Dan mereka menunggu cukup lama lho
You can see this situation that many fans get outside from the KBS after the show and waiting the Idol outside but the #fact you cannot see the Idol you just can see their car T_T
Almost the fans bring an Idol name tag~ and they waiting for a long time
How to reserve Mubank Tiket with Online:
The web is in Korean MUBANK TICKET RULE
and another #FACT
How to get here?
Di luar lobby KBS ini yang bikin wah adalah Poster besar drama yang sekarang lagi terkenal
yaitu Descendant of The Sun! Siapa yang suka Song Joong Ki??? *hands up*
Memang di awal tahun 2016 ini SJK bikin fever para pecinta drama korea ya~
Outside the lobby you can se a big Poster of the popular drama these day Descendant of The Sun!!
Who Love Song Joong Ki??? *hands up*
In the early 2016 SJK is making a fever for Kdrama lover right?~
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
Dan yang ini diluar KBS Hallnya~
Banyak sekali yang berbaris untuk masuk dengan cara antri tapi aku kurang tahu berapa lama mereka mengantri karena cara mengantrinya kemungkinan berbeda dengan mengantri di MCountdown
This is outside the KBS Hall~
Many people queuing, i don't know how they long queuing until they get the number. And maybe this way is same when you want to see MCountdown
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
KBS memiliki indoor tempat tunggu paling besar, tapi biasanya tempat ini untuk menunggunya berbarisnya para fanclub. Jadi untuk saat-saat musim semi ini disarankan memakai baju hangan karena bisa mengantri mulai 1 jam smpai maksimum 3 jam~
KBS has the biggest indoor waiting place, but usually this place just for fanclub to queuing. So when you come on this spring just wearing a warm clothes
You can entry from 4PM - jam 4.30PM
You can reserve the Ticket on the website MUSIC BANK
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
Setelah masuk kalian di larang untuk mengambil foto para Idol yang sedang manggung~
Pengalamanku ya para penjaganya itu Oke sih tapi galak semua >.<
After enter the place you cannot take a photo of the Idol,
Or you will get kick out >.<
Ini peta tempat duduk seperti menonton bioskop biasanya,
disini di bedakan dengan huruf korea 가,나,다,라,마
Saranku jangan cuma angkanya yang dilihat tapi huruf hangeulnya juga dilihat yah *pengalaman*
This is the seat map, There is 가,나,다,라,마
So you should see and make sure where your seat is~
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
Sebelum masuk aja sudah excited banget dengan keadaan lampu dan panggungnya~
Before I get in I just get more excited because of the Lamp stage~ ㅋㅋㅋ
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
Actually you shouldn't take a picture...
But~ as always secretly...
you can see this
and as you can see this is the place where the artist stay before they go up to the stage!
*tapi sebenarnya tempat dudukku bukan disini, intinya aku salah tempat duduk tempat ini dekat dengan stage si MC Park Bo Gum TT_TT dan aku harus pindah di atas tempat artisnya menunggu sebelum naik panggung~ entah enak duduk di mana>.<*
Setelah lihat aslinya para Idol~ Aku jadi suka sama rookie Astro! Tadinya suka EunWoo karena aslinya memang ganteng seperti di video atau fotonya~ Eh tapi setelah lihat yang lain jadi lebih tertarik sama MoonBin *hohoho* abis cute banget kayak bayi :P
After I watch the real Idol~ I interest with rookie Astro! I like EunWoo because he is handsome in real! But after I see the other I more interest to MoonBin *hohoho* He is so cute like a baby :P
This is me with my blogger Friend IMEY you can visit her blog too~
source: bani-eun.blogspot.com
*I'm Blur*
Tidak berasa 1 setengah jam cepat berlalu~
Pemenang Mubank kali ini adalah Mamamoo yang Fansnya memang banyak dan mereka membawa lightstick. Yang serunya Mamamoo ini ikut turun ke tempat duduk para fans dan mengajak fans untuk bernyanyi bersama~
So 1half hour is so fast~
The winner is Mamamoo and so many fans that bring lightstick. The exciting part is Mamamoo go down frm the stage and go to their fans seat and sing a song with the fans~
Parafans yang berada diluar hanya mengantarkan si arist dengan membawa sepanduk nama di artis saja~ Dan mereka menunggu cukup lama lho
You can see this situation that many fans get outside from the KBS after the show and waiting the Idol outside but the #fact you cannot see the Idol you just can see their car T_T
Almost the fans bring an Idol name tag~ and they waiting for a long time
How to reserve Mubank Tiket with Online:
The web is in Korean MUBANK TICKET RULE
1. Login KBS website
2. Registration: Thursday 9AM - Friday 24.00
(Choose the date you want to watch)
3. Announcement: The next week, Monday 13.00 - 18.00
4. Choose Seat: Monday 18.00 - wednesday 18.00
(Choose the seat from PC only)
5. They will give you SMS on Thursday 2PM
and another #FACT
1. The Idol start pre-recording at 9.30AM
2. Before you get disappointed after watch it~
Not all Idol Group will performance with full dance, I mean in the morning they already take a recording so in the afternoon they just sing a half of their song. And if you see it on the TV it a little bit different.
Not all Idol Group will performance with full dance, I mean in the morning they already take a recording so in the afternoon they just sing a half of their song. And if you see it on the TV it a little bit different.
So don't too disappointed with their performance because of a half performance. But take a positive because you'll never bored to see Mubank every week~ >.<
like me
like me
How to get here?
Address: KBS Hall, 대한민국 서울특별시 영등포구 여의도동
Take subway line 9 to National Assembly station (국희의사당역), take exit 4.
Walk straight in the same direction, take the first right you may see Mapo Mandu restaurant (마포 만두), keep walk straight you will see the KBS enterance.
Wah thank you helpful banget!! Baru tau kalau bisa reserved,selama ini pengen nonton tapi males antrinya..trs gtw kalau ternyata 무료 .. tapi alien cardq yg baru br kluar akhir bln depan ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ *maaf numpang curhat*
ReplyDeletesama2 oh km di korea juga ya~ kalau ada alien card enaknya ngga perlu antri^^
ReplyDeleteHai salam kenal...
ReplyDeleteMau tanya. Kalau kita nggak nonton mubank cuma nunggu di luar gitu ada kemungkinan bisa lihat idol-idol yang mau masuk ke kbs untuk shooting mubank nggak sih? Rencana cuma pengen lihat artisnya lewat aja nggak nonton mubanknya soalnya itinirerarynya padat merayap. hehehe
Aku pernah nonton di KBS jadi fans bisa lihat idol yang baru turun dari mobil gitu.