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Best Vitamin C for skin care - CALAMANSI beauty tonic
Hi guys!
I want to introduce you my Vitamin C~

Do you know what is this??
Yap this is Calamansi!
Calamansi juice is very popular in certain part of Asian and Korea is one of it!
It has unique flavor for detoxifying on body.
What is Calamansi Juice?
It is derived from the calamansi fruit and extremely sour variety of citrus fruit and commonly called golden lime. Many people consume it on a regular basis due to many impressive health benefits
What is Benefits of Calamansi Juice?
It is for boost the immune system, prevents oral problems, keep kidneys healthy and regulates bowel movement, soothe acidity in the stomach, Diet for weight loss, simulate growth and repair, detoxify the body, lower cholesterol, even manage diabetes.
#FACT in just 1 Calamansi it contains 30 times more Vitamin C than orange
Korean girl do like diet and one of it they drink Calamansi
In #FACT it contain Cinefurin and ingredient to effectively burn fat
How to drink?
1. You can use glass but I'm using bottle so I can bring it every where
2. My bottle is 500ml so I put 450ml of water for 1 sachet of Calamansi
1 sachet of Calamansi is contain 50ml
(depends the package that you buy they also have 1000ml volume)
3. After you put all of Calamansi you can a little bit shake it
and you can put it on fridge for a while. You can add some sugar according to taste
You can bring it while study or exercise, etc
Why you need to drink it for your skin?
1) Beside it has vitamin C, the vitamin also boost collagen production inside the body and strengthens the immune system.
2) That's why it also called beauty tonic, can even out the skin tone and rejuvenates the skin.
3) It also helps Heal Wound.
But it also has SIDE EFFECT!
1) Cannot drink during pregnancy, Citrus fruit can tigger heartburn during pregnancy
2) Cause stomach cramp, indigestion, or diarrhea if consumed in excessive amount
Drink Coffee, Tea, and all caffeinated drinks
Artifically sweetened or carbonated beverages
Drinking alcohol
Smoking Cigarettes
Eating junky & salty
I buy my Calamansi juice in Korea or you can order it by Gmarket
or you can buy the fruit and make it by your self ~
I buy this actually for diet but I always fails on diet >.<
so I drink it for my skin and my body tho not everyday just 1 or 2 times a week
So would you like to try it???
xoxo - Banieun
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junky, salty, tea, susah banget dihindarinnya :(
Iya sama, jujur aku awalnya aja giat minum tapi aku suka tea, junky terutama coffee ga bisa dihindari. Akhirnya seminggu minum 1x aja atau sebulan 2x aja😂😂
DeleteSukkka banget sm skin care dlm bentuk minuman gini
Iya betul jadi ngga males minum vitamin~~
DeleteWaduh, aku masih suka minum teh. Kayaknya mending skip minuman ini daripada skip ngeteh. Hehehehe. #KBBVmember
ReplyDeletewooogh.. so tempting.. tapi pantangan nya banyak banget yah beb.. ga nahaan huhuhuhu
Selain untuk menurunkan berat badan, ternyata manfaatnya banyak banget ya. Detox, untuk ginjal bahkan untuk sistem imun juga. Mantap... #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletecoffee, tea sama kafein :( susah bener buat ngindarin huhuhuuuu #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteFix gak bisa minum ini, gak bisa berhenti minum teh hehe #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteWah manfaatnya oke banget. Vitamin C emang perlu banget ya kak buat kita kita yang sibuk biar gak gampang sakit. Aku jadi penasaran pengen nyobain. #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteKukira masker, terus kukira powder yang buat cuci muka. Eh ternyata minuman toh wkwkw.
ReplyDeleteBaru denger juga brandnya. Penasaran rasanya.
Menarik ya, tapi yg harus di avoid banyak juga loh yah hehe #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteIya betul yang di avoid banyak mangkanya semakin kesini jarang minum😂😂
DeleteBeauty toxic yg kaya manfaat, meskipun ada beberapa pantangannya #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteIya bener banget^^
DeleteAku minum kopi tiap pagi, sudah jadi kebiasaan jadi susah berhenti huhu 😭
ReplyDeleteTapi produknya menarik banget sih jadi lebih praktis 👌 #kbbvmember
Aku juga hampir tiap hari minum kopi uda kebiasaan jugaㅠㅠ mangkanya semakin lama jarang minum ini hehe
DeleteWah ini menarik banget ya? Skincare yang bisa diminum gini, wanna try 😍 #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletePas liat pekejingnya, kukira sheet mask. Ternyata minuman toh *tepokjidat 😂
ReplyDeleteHal2 yg harus dihindari itu, duh, susah banget, soalnya aku penggemar es teh dan makanan asin 😅 #kbbvmember
ku kira masker ternyata minuman hehe 😉😊